This hair style is not very difficult as it may look. It only requires a bit more concentration and a little of practice - and your hair will be securely arranged into beautiful braids that will bring something new to the look and your feelings in general
Once you have got the hang of it, you can braid with any even number of strands. The only limitation would be how fast your fingers can plait.
Step 1. Arrange your hair into a pony tail.
Step 2. Divide your pony into four strands with two strands on top and two below. Do not make four strands side by side. As you braid, hold the right strands (top and bottom) in your right hand and the left strands (top and bottom) in your left hand. I pass the strands between my middle to pinky fingers and then use my index finger and thumb to put the strands back and forth as I braid.
Step 3. Now you will need to take the top right strand over the top left strand, and take the bottom right strand over the bottom left strand and pull really firm. This will be the base of your braid. The rest of the braid can be done not so firmly.
Step 4. Now switch the positions of the top left strand with the bottom right strand passing the top strand behind the bottom strand. The crossing must be beneath and between the original top right and bottom left strands. The original top left strand becomes now the new bottom right strand and the original bottom right strand becomes the new top left strand.
Step 5. It's time to switch the positions of the top right strand with the bottom left strand passing the top strand behind the bottom strand. The crossing must be held beneath and between the new top right and bottom left strands. The original top right strand becomes the new bottom left strand and the original bottom left strand becomes the new top right strand.
Step 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 and tie off when the braid is done.
See other Hair Braids related articles here
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