"Well as you may or may not know I left LA a couple of years ago. I hung up my acting career to start a restaurant in VA. I have now been open for 7 months and it's going GREAT! My place is called Crock and Roll and I serve homemade soups and breads and sandwiches, it's pretty damn awesome! Anyway I just thought that I would let you know that after such a long hiatus I actually had an audition for a
Starz Original and a Lifetime movie last week. I had not auditioned in over 2 years, the
only reason
that I got the audition was that my PR company that I hired for the
restaurant introduced me to a girl who was producing a movie about an hour from Roanoke and he thought that it would be good for us to meet. So, I auditioned for a p
rincipal role and I booked it!!
HAHAHA. Can you believe that it took me moving to VA to open
restaurant to finally book a movie??? I just thought that you would like to know that. What a crazy world we live in."
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